The Esoteric Feminine-Path to Generating wealth.



Making money isn’t complex. But generations of collective-programming, scarcity-encoding and our unconscious associations with what it means to be wealthy as a woman have made it complex......

Collective-scarcity-consciousness not only programmes women to believe they’re bad with money, and incapable of making money, but also that they’re very much undeserving of it......

Most women struggle to make money work for them, because there is a HUGE difference between making money aligned with the traditional-man-made-capitalistic system, VS generating wealth aligned with esoteric feminine-teachings : Enabling you to bridge the gap between the world of energy and the world of matter/physical law.


This is what we're unpacking in 💎WOMAN & WEALTH, the three-day-seminar....,


During this 3-day container we will be exploring some of the biggest money-themes and greatest money-challenges that are rarely addressed. We will be using an esoteric approach to money,  dissecting the hidden-collective undertones and forces that prevent women from witnessing successful financial results in their life.

This seminar offers a foundational system which you can utilise to shift your relationship with money at an energetic level, which is mandatory in order for you to witness significant shifts in your external reality....

This container is specifically designed for the woman whom is feeling the call to shift her relationship with money from one that is charged with avoidance, resistance, fear and low-self-worth, to one that feels empowering, in which you get to create your personal wealth-narrative and build your assets from a foundation of greater confidence, worthiness and ease.....

Each day, we will cover five primary themes in relation to money-blocks, money-generating-behaviours and ideas, from an Esoteric-perspective of generating wealth helping you build the confidence & courage to make money work for you......


This seminar will include the exploration of topics such as : 

  👉🏼Sexual trauma, money & your ability to receive :  There is an intimidate connection between sexual trauma and our ability to receive money. Whilst many women have no issue with giving continually, their ability to receive is limited because receiving involves energy coming in. We'll be looking at the pleasure-practise you can use to re-wire your nervous system to be able to safely expand your capacity to hold more energy, more pleasure, and therefore, more money. 


-Money, capitalism & the white man (the shadow of money)  :

An exploration of systematic oppression, family-contracts, personal and ancestral trauma, collective & social programming, and the role that misogyny plays in withholding women from gaining access to the financial education and resources required in order for them to become savvy with their finances.


-Money, Shame, Worthiness, Culture, Race : The hidden energetic factors that will either make or break your money-mindset, and the path to reclaiming your autonomy, confidence and inherent worthiness to forge a resilient money-foundation and wealth-identity.


-Esoteric-money laws : The universal laws that have been hidden from women for eons, (and which both millionaires and billionaires have used to generate wealth) which are a mandatory for women to align with an internal state that enables them to physically manifest financial success.


-The role of the nervous-system : Your nervous system coherence, dictates your entire reality when it comes to establishing a sustainable relationship with generating money. Money is an energy game, and from a universal perspective, the greater your capacity to 'hold energy', the larger the numbers you can pull in. So we're looking at your capacity to call in energy, hold energy & keep that energy circulatingLearning how to self-regulate is mandatory for generating and increasing your wealth.


👉🏼Unpacking your poverty-mentality : Money is an extension of God & your relationship with it, will become the greatest shadow-revealer of all the places you’ve oppressed your power. When we refuse to address the roots of our money-poverty, it becomes difficult to generate large quantities of money, save and sustain our wealth because our background narrative makes us feel guilty ashamed for desiring more for ourselves. We will be unpacking your dominant inner-narratives in association with money and illuminating core-patterns of scarcity that require healing and re-wiring for positive transformation.


-Women as the original amplifiers and generators of wealth : Women are inherently powerful manifestors and generators of wealth. When they are tapped into their feminine life-force and able to cultivate a practice of surrender that aligns them with an internal state of abundance and wealth, their external reality naturally begins to reflect that inner-sense of abundance, back to them. 


-The feminine way of building wealth : Women do not make money in the same way as men. The difference between the traditional money-making formula and the esoteric-feminine path, is that one requires you severing yourself from your body, and becoming hostile, aggressive and forceful in the quest to make money, and the other allows you to use the practise of generating wealth from a place of deep embodiment, so that you can deepen your alignment with your spiritual path, and simultaneously deepen your relationship with money. This is the difference between letting money control you, VS using making-money as a practise to become even more embodied in your spiritual path and your life as a whole.


  👉🏼Ego, identity, change : Our capacity to create healthy change is directly correlated to our willingness to shift our identity, long before we feel ready or comfortable for change. Accelerating our capacity to attract wealth and to make smart financial decisions is no exception to this rule. Our ego is terrified of change, and many people would choose the familiarity of poverty, over the temporary discomfort of adopting money-making behaviours, the confidence to ask for more and challenging themselves to learn about money matters they might usually avoid (e.g : the stock-market, S&P 500, property-investment, etc). Being able to shift identity from someone that avoids money, settles for what they already have VS, someone that actively creates money-making opportunities and attracts wealth without limitation, is a matter of the identity we practise, and eventually, embody.


-Men, money & your relationship with masculine energy : How your past experiences with men, male-induced trauma, and power-dynamics with male-authority figures are impacting your current money-making abilities. We'll be looking at how to develop healthy and empowering associations with masculine power and authority, in order to shift underlining patterns of distrust, fear and angst in relation to masculine energy, men and making money.


 -Utilising your creativity for financial success  : Almost all women are sitting on a 6-figure business idea, and the one thing that's holding them back? the fear of sharing their creativity with the world. We'll be looking at how to build the confidence, self-esteem and belief in your creative ideas to start utilising your creative-genius to support your financial-growth.



We will be meeting from 7-9pm GMT, each day, for three days online (All details will be sent out via email once you reserve your spot).



 👉🏼Money, capitalism & the white man (the shadow of money)

👉🏼Belonging and family.

👉🏼Money, Shame, Worthiness, Culture, Race.

 👉🏼Money, fear and power.

 👉🏼Your money-identity & re-wiring your nervous-system to hold increased wealth.




 👉🏼The feminine way to generating sustainable wealth.

 👉🏼Women as amplifiers of wealth (women as the natural creators of wealth).

 👉🏼Ego, identity & change.

 👉🏼Unpacking your poverty-mentality.

 👉🏼The lone-wolf syndrome.




 👉🏼Esoteric money laws.

 👉🏼Utilising your creativity for financial success.

 👉🏼Sexual trauma, money & your ability to receive.

 👉🏼Men, money & your relationship with masculine energy.

 👉🏼Your wealth alter.


 If you already joined the two-hour live masterclass 💎WOMEN & WEALTH, I will be offering brand-new material on some of the topics we've already covered, which will be taking you even deeper into the shadow-realms of money, with money-concepts that you will not hear anywhere else. 



One more important thing to note! : 

This is not a get-rich-quick scheme or financial-advice seminar. This is an energetic and esoteric approach to money which dissects the hidden-collective undertones interfering with women’s ability to successfully see financial results in their life. In this seminar, I am providing the insights, guidance and core-esoteric wisdom teachings around money, and the energetic components (self-worth, hidden social and collective-contracts which block from money from coming into being). Improving our financial situation requires tangible practical steps and action in the physical world. What you will be learning throughout this 3-day seminar is the energetic-foundation that requires tending to, in order for you to begin generating money in the physical world, with less subconscious obstructions, and more ease.


This 3-day-seminar will be particularly useful to you if you are seeking to start your own business and tread the self-employed/entrepreneurial path.


💗Get the replay.












Making money isn’t complex. But generations of collective-programming, scarcity-encoding and our unconscious associations with what it means to be wealthy as a woman have made it complex......

Collective-scarcity-consciousness not only programmes women to believe they’re bad with money, and incapable of making money, but also that they’re very much undeserving of it......

Most women struggle to make money work for them, because there is a HUGE difference between making money aligned with the traditional-man-made-capitalistic system, VS generating wealth aligned with esoteric feminine-teachings : Enabling you to bridge the gap between the world of energy and the world of matter/physical law.


This is what we're unpacking in 💎WOMAN & WEALTH, the three-day-seminar....,


During this 3-day container we will be exploring some of the biggest money-themes and greatest money-challenges that are rarely addressed. We will be using an esoteric approach to money,  dissecting the hidden-collective undertones and forces that prevent women from witnessing successful financial results in their life.

This seminar offers a foundational system which you can utilise to shift your relationship with money at an energetic level, which is mandatory in order for you to witness significant shifts in your external reality....

This container is specifically designed for the woman whom is feeling the call to shift her relationship with money from one that is charged with avoidance, resistance, fear and low-self-worth, to one that feels empowering, in which you get to create your personal wealth-narrative and build your assets from a foundation of greater confidence, worthiness and ease.....

Each day, we will cover five primary themes in relation to money-blocks, money-generating-behaviours and ideas, from an Esoteric-perspective of generating wealth helping you build the confidence & courage to make money work for you......


This seminar will include the exploration of topics such as : 

  👉🏼Sexual trauma, money & your ability to receive :  There is an intimidate connection between sexual trauma and our ability to receive money. Whilst many women have no issue with giving continually, their ability to receive is limited because receiving involves energy coming in. We'll be looking at the pleasure-practise you can use to re-wire your nervous system to be able to safely expand your capacity to hold more energy, more pleasure, and therefore, more money. 


-Money, capitalism & the white man (the shadow of money)  :

An exploration of systematic oppression, family-contracts, personal and ancestral trauma, collective & social programming, and the role that misogyny plays in withholding women from gaining access to the financial education and resources required in order for them to become savvy with their finances.


-Money, Shame, Worthiness, Culture, Race : The hidden energetic factors that will either make or break your money-mindset, and the path to reclaiming your autonomy, confidence and inherent worthiness to forge a resilient money-foundation and wealth-identity.


-Esoteric-money laws : The universal laws that have been hidden from women for eons, (and which both millionaires and billionaires have used to generate wealth) which are a mandatory for women to align with an internal state that enables them to physically manifest financial success.


-The role of the nervous-system : Your nervous system coherence, dictates your entire reality when it comes to establishing a sustainable relationship with generating money. Money is an energy game, and from a universal perspective, the greater your capacity to 'hold energy', the larger the numbers you can pull in. So we're looking at your capacity to call in energy, hold energy & keep that energy circulatingLearning how to self-regulate is mandatory for generating and increasing your wealth.


👉🏼Unpacking your poverty-mentality : Money is an extension of God & your relationship with it, will become the greatest shadow-revealer of all the places you’ve oppressed your power. When we refuse to address the roots of our money-poverty, it becomes difficult to generate large quantities of money, save and sustain our wealth because our background narrative makes us feel guilty ashamed for desiring more for ourselves. We will be unpacking your dominant inner-narratives in association with money and illuminating core-patterns of scarcity that require healing and re-wiring for positive transformation.


-Women as the original amplifiers and generators of wealth : Women are inherently powerful manifestors and generators of wealth. When they are tapped into their feminine life-force and able to cultivate a practice of surrender that aligns them with an internal state of abundance and wealth, their external reality naturally begins to reflect that inner-sense of abundance, back to them. 


-The feminine way of building wealth : Women do not make money in the same way as men. The difference between the traditional money-making formula and the esoteric-feminine path, is that one requires you severing yourself from your body, and becoming hostile, aggressive and forceful in the quest to make money, and the other allows you to use the practise of generating wealth from a place of deep embodiment, so that you can deepen your alignment with your spiritual path, and simultaneously deepen your relationship with money. This is the difference between letting money control you, VS using making-money as a practise to become even more embodied in your spiritual path and your life as a whole.


  👉🏼Ego, identity, change : Our capacity to create healthy change is directly correlated to our willingness to shift our identity, long before we feel ready or comfortable for change. Accelerating our capacity to attract wealth and to make smart financial decisions is no exception to this rule. Our ego is terrified of change, and many people would choose the familiarity of poverty, over the temporary discomfort of adopting money-making behaviours, the confidence to ask for more and challenging themselves to learn about money matters they might usually avoid (e.g : the stock-market, S&P 500, property-investment, etc). Being able to shift identity from someone that avoids money, settles for what they already have VS, someone that actively creates money-making opportunities and attracts wealth without limitation, is a matter of the identity we practise, and eventually, embody.


-Men, money & your relationship with masculine energy : How your past experiences with men, male-induced trauma, and power-dynamics with male-authority figures are impacting your current money-making abilities. We'll be looking at how to develop healthy and empowering associations with masculine power and authority, in order to shift underlining patterns of distrust, fear and angst in relation to masculine energy, men and making money.


 -Utilising your creativity for financial success  : Almost all women are sitting on a 6-figure business idea, and the one thing that's holding them back? the fear of sharing their creativity with the world. We'll be looking at how to build the confidence, self-esteem and belief in your creative ideas to start utilising your creative-genius to support your financial-growth.



We will be meeting from 7-9pm GMT, each day, for three days online (All details will be sent out via email once you reserve your spot).



 👉🏼Money, capitalism & the white man (the shadow of money)

👉🏼Belonging and family.

👉🏼Money, Shame, Worthiness, Culture, Race.

 👉🏼Money, fear and power.

 👉🏼Your money-identity & re-wiring your nervous-system to hold increased wealth.




 👉🏼The feminine way to generating sustainable wealth.

 👉🏼Women as amplifiers of wealth (women as the natural creators of wealth).

 👉🏼Ego, identity & change.

 👉🏼Unpacking your poverty-mentality.

 👉🏼The lone-wolf syndrome.




 👉🏼Esoteric money laws.

 👉🏼Utilising your creativity for financial success.

 👉🏼Sexual trauma, money & your ability to receive.

 👉🏼Men, money & your relationship with masculine energy.

 👉🏼Your wealth alter.


 If you already joined the two-hour live masterclass 💎WOMEN & WEALTH, I will be offering brand-new material on some of the topics we've already covered, which will be taking you even deeper into the shadow-realms of money, with money-concepts that you will not hear anywhere else. 



One more important thing to note! : 

This is not a get-rich-quick scheme or financial-advice seminar. This is an energetic and esoteric approach to money which dissects the hidden-collective undertones interfering with women’s ability to successfully see financial results in their life. In this seminar, I am providing the insights, guidance and core-esoteric wisdom teachings around money, and the energetic components (self-worth, hidden social and collective-contracts which block from money from coming into being). Improving our financial situation requires tangible practical steps and action in the physical world. What you will be learning throughout this 3-day seminar is the energetic-foundation that requires tending to, in order for you to begin generating money in the physical world, with less subconscious obstructions, and more ease.


This 3-day-seminar will be particularly useful to you if you are seeking to start your own business and tread the self-employed/entrepreneurial path.


💗Get the re-play!👇🏼

💎GET WOMEN & WEALTH (the three day seminar).









"When I think of Jwaydan, I think of of priestess, mystic, magician, witch, dark-feminine and genius artist.” - You can this potent cocktail of powerful archetypes all blended into one woman/being, and she brings every single one of them into the work she does during her 1:1s. She is not simply a healer and practitioner, she is a master at what she does. Remarkably intelligent, soulful, perceptive, fearless, and able to see through the hardest, murkiest parts of a person’s inner world and shine light on the beliefs, stories and identities they’re holding onto that are blocking their path to abundance. Anyone that has the opportunity should work with her, should. You will not find another healer in this overly-saturated coaching industry that can open you up to your own potential quite like she does."
