Pick the payment plan that suits you best!....





For the ambitious woman leader and entrepreneurial renegade, ready to unleash her feminine magnetism, claim her power to lead, impact and captivate thousands, and revolutionise her relationship with Wealth, Manifestation & feminine-power

OPTION ONE : Full-payment (early-bird offer).



Early-bird offer : £1888 (Only available until August 26th!).


-Lifetime access to ten course-modules.


-Pay in full, and get three private 1:1 calls with me (offer available for first woman that applies only).


-Six Live Fortnightly Q&A call.


-Private email support for 12 weeks.


 -Access to woman's private telegram group.


OPTION TWO : Three-part-payment plan 

(early-bird offer).


-Three part payment plan of £666. (999)


-Lifetime access to ten course-modules.


-Six Live fortnightly group calls.


-Private email support for 12 weeks.


OPTION THREE : The self-paced version : 

(early-bird price).


-£1111 for full-programme.


-Lifetime access to ten course-modules.


-No Live Q&A calls.


-Email contact for technical support only.


 -Access to women's private telegram group.

EARLY-BIRD (£1888)
SELF-STUDY (£1111)

Hey! Just a quick little note to my future soul-tribe members!......


I'm BIG on aligned business, aligned sales and developing heart-centred connection with every single woman that drops into my programmes, workshops, and mentorship containers. If this offering doesn't feel like a whole-body "F**** I REALLY WANT THIS EXPERIENCE!". Please take a moment to sit with yourself, regulate your nervous-system, and get in touch with the emotional-state from which you are about to consider buying from.


I want you to feel elated about this financial-investment, empowered by your decisions, and genuinely excited to be a part of my world, my teachings and the live containers I am offering throughout this 12-week period (And I admit, it's a pretty damn unique once-in-a-lifetime-experience) but none the less, I want to make sure that this financial investment is aligned with what you actually need at this time in your personal growth.
If you're still unsure, and desire more clarity, hit the free-20-min-clarity-call below and come chat to me💗.There's no pressure to commit! it would be my honour to serve you in anyway I can🙏