For the ambitious spiritual thought-leader, coach, creative, artist & entrepreneurial renegade, ready to claim her power to lead  & revolutionise her relationship with Wealth-creation, Manifestation & Feminine-Magnetism.

Dear soul, if you're a woman that has landed on this page, I’m certain you're here because you've chosen a path of deep, soul medicine, with the desire to liberate yourself from hidden forces of oppression that have stifled her magic, so you can re-unite with the formidable power of your womanhood, becoming one of the rare few high-calibre women contributing to the future of conscious feminine-leadership.....




For the ambitious spiritual thought-leader, coach, creative, artist & entrepreneurial renegade, ready to claim her power to lead & revolutionise her relationship with Wealth-creation, Manifestation & Feminine-Magnetism.

Dear soul, if you're a woman that has landed on this page, I’m certain you're here because you've chosen a path of deep, soul medicine, with the desire to liberate yourself from hidden forces of oppression that have stifled her magic, so you can re-unite with the formidable power of your womanhood, becoming one of the rare few high-calibre women contributing to the future of conscious feminine-leadership.....


Picture this! : Take a breath & FEEL this as if it's your current everyday reality......


 ✅You have unshakable confidence to express yourself from the fullness of your authentic personality, you ooze with irresistible charisma, magnetism & authority, hypnotising people with your feminine-power, drawing in an aligned audience with ease.


 ✅You've embodied & applied the art of Magnetic, Goddess powered leadership & dark-feminine magic to everything you wish to succeed in, & you understand how to utilise powerful occult practises to enhance your manifestation capabilities and attract what you desire.
 ✅You’ve unblocked root subconscious-limitations around amassing wealth & being seen by thousands and now money consistently enters your reality in response to you being wildly powerful, authentically magnetic & working with both the energetic and strategic formula to getting your work seen & generating $$$$$ in response.
 ✅You know how to sell and market yourself (as a business-woman and creative) from a place of total confidence in your ability to to lead, influence and make massive impact, because you’ve established your signature wealth-identity (your unique personalised formula to generating and GROWING your wealth consistently).


 ✅You have a clear strategy, formula and an understanding of what is required in order to build a successful, magnetic & captivating brand, aligned with your personal strengths, gifts and spiritual purpose.


You understand the intimate connection between sexuality, attracting money, & becoming an influential-feminine leader and how to transform sexual blocks into raw, manifesting power to generate the worldly results you desire.


 You’re liberated from the pattern of procrastination, self-sabotage and low-self worth and you know how to 'shift-timelines' and think, act & execute aligned with your future-self whom is already experiencing the life of your dreams.




👉🏼“I want to speak and communicate with unapologetic confidence, from my  feminine-magnetism but each time I try to film myself being authentically expressed, I end up deleting the videos, putting them on draft, and never posting. I never feel good enough or prepared enough to put myself in front of an audience”. 


👉🏼“I have to force, push and hustle just to make a little money, and then it slips right through my finger-tips. I’ve invested so much time and $$$ in programmes to heal my money blocks, i've also tried to use systems such as human-deign and astrology to uncover why I struggle to see real progress in my financial status, but I still can’t get to the root of it my subconscious blocks in order to witness serious transformation in my financial-life.”  


👉🏼“There’s so much competition, I don’t believe I have anything truly unique or special to offer. I am struggling to market myself in a way that communicates my unique energetic-signature and enables me to stand out from the masses.”


👉🏼“Every-time I try to take a step towards making myself more visible, or communicating more freely, I freeze up and want to hide. I have the goals of a millionaire but the mindset of a poor-person, and no matter how hard I try to break out of my current identity, i keep finding myself reverting back to the same repetitive cycle of feeling stuck, broke, & playing-small."
👉🏼“I want to go from feeling stressed, worn-out & unclear to knowing who I am, knowing how to help people with my creativity and power as a healer, mentor, coach & spiritual entrepreneur, but I feel i’m so far from embodying that woman.” 
👉🏼“I’ve hired so many healers, mentors and coaches, whom over-promised on big results and under-deliver, & i've done all of the ‘energy-work’ programmes, and I still feel completely stuck. I’m afraid to take the next step, i’m afraid for things to change, but also desperate for things to change. I am constantly battling this conflicting block."

The world is rapidly shifting. A new wave of feminine consciousness is being ushered onto the earth at lightening speed, ready to manifest through every high-calibre, spiritually-devoted woman leader, here to act as a catalyst that guides humanity forward into a new era of feminine leadership......


We are at a pivotal tipping point as a humanity. If you're a woman that has been present in my space a while, I’m certain it’s because you've chosen a path of deep, soul medicine, with the desire to liberate herself from hidden forces of oppression that have stifled her magic, re-uniting with the formidable power of her womanhood, becoming one of the rare few conscious women contributing to the future of feminine-leadership.
‘SHE REBELLED : The new feminine leader’ is designed specifically for the soulful spiritual leader & entrepreneurial-renegade ready to unearth formidable confidence & feminine magnetism to create an unshakeable wealth-identity & captivate and positively influence countless individuals, through doing her deepest soul-work...




Women are systematically taught to fear the power of their sexuality, wild, unruly, creative-expression, and socialised into repressing their desire and ambition for more money, attention, worldly-success & freedom of expression. As a consequence, we have a collective of women who’s feminine power has been forced into smallness and hiding, preventing them from manifesting the life they want.......


But what if a radically deliciously pleasurable reality, abundant with every experience you could desire for yourself AND MORE, existed on the other-side of your limiting beliefs? One in which you are a highly influential, powerfully-expressed woman, whom has mastered her relationship with manifestation, quantum-transformation, money, influence, visibility & magnetism, so she can become a dangerously irresistible force of a feminine-leader......


This is for the woman that wants to blend the path of spiritual devotion, with creating unlimited financial wealth, creative-freedom, personal-autonomy, embodied in the full force of her feminine-power, generating the ultimate impact as a leader, creator & prominent influential voice.... 



Here's how I can help you step into your power : 


2011 : I manifested a viral song that hit nearly 10 million views on youtube & has 80+ million radio plays worldwide.

-In 2012 : I manifested another viral song with 3.5 million youtube views & 12+ million streams to date.

-My other music releases have amassed a total of 10+ million spotify streams to date.

-I generated multi-six figures from my music career & built a hardcore following of 80k+ facebook followers.

-& In 2022, I joined tiktok, and within a month, went viral and reached one million people & generated 20k followers in less than a week.....

This is an Ancient Esoteric secret to building wealth, success & influence, that only a few people on the planet understand : In order to create massive impact, influence and draw in more wealth & more recognition for who you are & what you do, you need to expand your energetic-capacity to attract & hold energy in your electro-magnetic-field.......


As a classically trained pianist, singer, song-writer, performer & multi-dimensional creator with a total of 12.5 million youtube streams from two viral music videos (which I very intentionally manifested) one of my greatest gifts knowing how to pull in big numbers, get my voice heard and my work seen. Whether we’re talking holding an audience’s attention, rapid money growth, or manifesting like a pro, It’s something I do well, and most importantly, I understand the energetics you need to embody to generate this level of success with everything you put your mind to.....
If you are an ambitious thought-leader, I know you’re here to do mammoth, unthinkably big things, whether you desire to amass a large following, tripling your net-worth or learn the art of hypnotising your audience through developing your unique energetic-signature as a magnetic-feminine leader, this is the programme in which will be covering every area of self-mastery required to confidently show up in your feminine-magnetism, lead, influence & get paid for the energy you bring to the world.




🔮You’re an entrepreneur, spiritual mentor, coach, educator, healer or business-owner that wants to develop the art of feminine-leadership, through learning of both the subtle-energetic principals, mindset transformation & nervous-system expansion required to over-come hidden blocks limiting your capacity to show up online and express yourself with confidence, ease, self-belief, tenacity & consistency to generate money from your work.
🔮You’re a woman on the threshold to transforming her life, and you require powerful system that can guide you through your personal-process of embodying your unique-energetic signature-expression, without needing to waste time hopping from one course programme, coach, or mentor to the next, whom offer surface-theoretical-teachings which lack the embodied-wisdom to help you experience a notable upgrade. In SHE REBEllED, 80% of the work we’re doing focuses on instilling nervous-system resilience and building your capacity to stretch beyond your current identity, and therefore, shift your entire reality.
🔮You want to get your work seen, your voice heard, and build the audience & devoted soul-tribe to support your purpose and soul-mission. If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to become an unstoppable, powerful-feminine-leader, and how to develop the confidence and courage to get yourself visible/’take up space’, develop the magnetic communication-skills to transmit your message & attract the audience you desire, you will guided through a full break-down of the emotional, psychological, subconscious & somatic processes that are required to achieve this.
🔮You know that the only thing between you and manifesting your highest destiny, are the limiting beliefs and fears which keep you entrapped in a reality of limited choice, oppose to being fully awake to your power and capacity to create remarkable transformation in every key area of your life (money, sexuality, relationship-intimacy, worldly success & spiritual fulfilment). We will be exploring the realm of Quantum-physics, collapsing time-lines, and how to align with the quantum-version of yourself to speed up your manifestations.
🔮Maybe you’re pretty sick of the limited spiritual new-age love & light vibe, & you are seeking a transformative system of original teachings, that provides expansive, in-depth multi-dimensional wisdom-teachings to amplify your capacity to receive wealth, pleasure, work through sexual-blocks, radically enhancing your capacity to receive more money, pleasure and expand your capacity for visibility.
🔮You are familiar with practises such as shadow-work and parts-work, and you’d like to use them to go even deeper with your transformation work. You will be led through the process of unblocking major personal, cultural and collective blocks, to help you get beyond limiting-beliefs tied to money and business-success, enabling you to build the ‘Wealth-identity’ to develop an unshakeable brand and entrepreneurial and creative identity.
🔮You’re tired of the hustle-bro culture and desire a deeply supportive feminine-formula to building success in the world. SHE REBELLED is focused solely on the Esoteric-feminine-path to generating wealth and spiritual-change on this earth. This is about re-uniting with the most abundant energy present on this earth (feminine-energy) balancing your inner-masculine with your inner-feminine to master the art of manifestation from a polarity perspective (receiving VS action), so you can consciously-create your reality, whilst also working at a pace and rhythm that honours your personal process to creating wealth and success.
🔮The work we will be doing in this space invites the full force of your feminine to come online. This is for the woman that wants to blend the path of spiritual devotion, with unlimited financial wealth, creative-freedom, personal-autonomy to do live as she desires, whilst making the ultimate impact from being wholly who she is.




  ✅The energetics behind becoming a confident, commanding, power-house of a leader. 80% of your success in business, the creative & entrepreneurial realm, comes down to energetics. The other 20% comes down to strategy. Combining the power of both will make you unstoppable when it comes to leadership, money & manifestation.
 ✅Conscious manifestation : Understanding the science behind consciously creating your reality through intentional and embodied manifestation so you not only call in what you want, but maintain and capitalise off of it.
  ✅The Esoteric-feminine path to forging $$$$$ : We’re doing a deep dive into the energetic realms of money & the esoteric secrets to increasing your capacity to hold more money, success and attention. This is about creating a solid wealth-identity so you can create success aligned with spiritual-law. Your wealth-identity determines your capacity to create and receive wealth, pleasure and high-vibrational experiences. Who you identify with being, informs your reality.
  ✅Legacy building & prophetic-innovation : This is a portal of learning for women stepping into the new-feminine era of creation, which means you will be learning to develop you psychic higher-sensory power to innovate on behalf of what people are most needing & desiring, before they even realise they desire it.
  ✅Reclaiming your sexual autonomy : Feminine power, is sexual power. If a woman wishes to lead with confidence & make decisions aligned with her highest-potential, transmuting sexual-wounding into raw, creative power is her gateway to everything she desires and more. We’ll be looking at a trauma-informed way to use self-pleasure to expand you capacity to attract & receive, so that expecting and receiving pleasurable experiences becomes your new normality.


  ✅Powerful subconscious re-programming practises, techniques & visualisations which have been therapeutically proven to create new neuronal connections and pathways, required to create lasting behavioural changes to create powerful transformation in your external reality.
  ✅Building magnetic leadership qualities : To lead well, we need to communicate and carry ourselves with power. We’ll be looking at how you can activate the power of feminine magnetism & developing your unique signature-essence as a leader through embodied practise (powerful vocal expression, body-language and seductive communication) so that you stand-out from the crowd. This is how you exude authority & magnetise an aligned audience whom is ready to receive your message & pay you $$$$$ for your work).
  ✅Psychic protection from external attack & projections : We can not talk about feminine magnetism without simultaneously speaking on the importance of shielding, guarding your light and using sacred-feminine practise to protect your energy as you become more visible to an online audience. A woman embodied in her power becomes a consumer of shadows. An alchemist that can transform her greatest challenges and traumas into the fuel and nectar to become even more powerful. We will be exploring the  practise of protecting your energy-field, your feminine-power and repelling unwanted energies as you grow your magnetism.



 ✅In this module we're exploring the collective conditioning and cultural influences that have separated us from the depth of our power, and what it takes to reclaim the wild, untampered, powerfully expressed, embodied, divinely-led version of our feminine-self, whom is fully comfortable expressing from her raw, animalistic, primal power.

Topics that are covered :

 -For the woman that chose to rebel.

-The spiritual conscious feminine leader (Claiming your success & prosperity).

-What makes a woman wild?

-The path of the Goddess.

-Becoming full of your own essence.

-Exiting your comfort zone, embracing the unknown.

-The three stages of a woman's evolution.

-Forgiving your ancestors, liberating your feminine power.


MODULE TWO : SHADOW-ALCHEMY (unleashing the power within your shadow).


 ✅By the end of this module, you will understand why you sabotage and block your feminine power from fully manifesting, and you will be equip with the teachings and practises which help you cultivate the courage and self-esteem to begin harnessing your power of self-expression & authoritative communication. We will also be doing a deep-dive into the origins of terror and hatred towards powerful women, the 'hidden' social, cultural & collective forces that have taken up residence within the body and subconscious-minds of each and every woman, and how to use shadow-alchemy to uncover your most hidden and powerful gifts, transforming some of your deepest limitations and wounds, into raw creative power.


Topics that are covered : 

-An introduction to shadow-work.

-Adam, Eve & the redemption of your inner-Lilith.

-The fear of being seen & the courage to overcome it.

-The courage to manifest your unique power.

-The history of women.

-Un-packing your shadow.

-Shadow-work practise (to transmute blocks into raw, creative power).

-Belonging vs choosing success.

-Shadow-alchemy & manifestation.

-Healing shamed, reclaiming confidence to express your authentic power (guided visualisation).

-Meeting your dark-feminine shadow (Guided visualisation).



 ✅By the end of this module, you will understand how to use the power of Dark-feminine energy to embody your most unapologetic, dangerously empowered self, super-speed your growth to actualising your desires, whilst healing the no.1 block that prevents most women from achieving massive success. Dark-feminine power illuminates where we are blocking our sexual power and magnetism from flowing freely. We'll be exploring how to use your dark-feminine to heal yourself from people-pleasing tendencies, release yourself from unwholesome soul-contracts & agreements that are squandering your power, and embody the full-force of your dark-fem to enhance your sense of confidence, capability and self-belief.


Topics that are covered : 

-Understanding the Dark feminine.

-Healing your inner-good girl, unleashing your wild-woman.

-Embodying the full-range of your feminine power.

-Feminine rage & transmuting it into power.

-The raw-power of your inner wild-woman (& the four steps to reclaiming her).

-The six universal laws to feminine power.

-Using dark-feminine energy to attract everything you want.

-Mirror-work to hypnotise yourself (for formidable confidence & magnetism).

-Asking your dark-feminine shadow for guidance. (Guided visualisation to re-programme the subconscious mind).



 ✅By the end of this module, you will have learnt how to develop the skills, confidence, charisma & magnetism to lead from your most authentic & alluring self, along with the confidence to communicate your message clearly and with authority. You will also be learning an in-depth system of energetic components which influence 80% of your ability to create your success and learning how to cultivate an unshakeable wealth-identity. And lastly, you will be learning how to implement 'quantum jumping' as a method for effective and rapid manifestation.


Topics that are covered :

-Crafting your entrepreneurial identity.

 -The three biggest leadership fears. (and how to overcome them)

The five biggest blocks to your fear of visibility (and how to overcome them)

-Building an authentic brand.

-Creating your mission statement.

-The five magnetic qualities to becoming a powerful feminine leader.

-Goddess activation (the three goddesses of transformation).

-Women need your soul-work.

-How to lead fearlessly (& healing the sister-wound).

-Working with your inner-critic.

-Building your wealth-identity, Becoming magnetic to money.

-The energetics to attracting a devoted audience.

-Irresistible magnetism & learning to receive admiration & love. 

 -80% of your success is in the energetics.

-Nervous-system expansion.

-Claiming your inner-goddess.

-Magnetic, authentic, feminine leadership.

-Your inner-introvert VS your inner-performer.

-Quantum leaping to manifest your future.

-Creating your vibrational-reality.

-Embodying the quantum-you (aligning with your power & magnetising money).




 ✅By the end of this module, you will have a crystal clear understanding of your root blocks regarding money and abundance as a whole, how to unblock limiting subconscious money beliefs and how to create a solid wealth-identity that establishes positive money behaviours and habits. We will also be doing a deep dive into the energetic realms of money, the collective and social limitations imposed upon women that have limited their capacity to create wealth, how to shift your poverty-mindset to a abundance-thinking, working with the nervous-system to expand your capacity to create and receive wealth. We will also be exploring esoteric, age-old secrets to generating success and magnetising money, aligned with spiritual law and quantum-healing.


Topics that are covered : 

-The embodiment of wealth.

 -Money & the white-colonial man.

-Shame, Worthiness, Culture, Race.

-Your poverty-mentality & subconscious beliefs.

-Money, fear, power, freedom.

-Scarcity programming to Abundance-thinking.

-Your money identity & nervous-system.

-Wealth, Success & Handling pressure. 

-Emotional Freedom technique for money-beliefs.

-Money, safety, belonging.

-Feminine/masculine polarity.

-Money, men & masculine energy.

-The esoteric laws to generating wealth & success.

-Your alter-ego & future-self.



MODULE SIX : PARTS-WORK (Healing resistance, self-sabotage & procrastination.)

Parts-work is a revolutionary therapy modality.
 ✅By the end of this module, you will be able to identify the roots of your self-sabotage, procrastination, perfectionism & inner-resistance in relation to your fear of visibility & success. You will also have a clear understanding of what your protector parts are (managers, exiles, firefighters), and the role they play in 'protecting' you from change + how to build a relationship of trust and kinship with these aspects of your inner-world, whilst strengthening the qualities and characteristics that belong to your 'true self' (authentic self) so that you can move forward and create the positive transformation and change you desire, with less resistance & greater confidence, courage & self-trust.


Topics that are covered : 

-What are protector parts? (and why you need them).

-Protector parts & how they sabotage your capacity to create abundance.

-Protector parts in relationship.

-Protector parts & getting what you want.

-Meeting your protector parts (Guided visualisation).

-Unlocking all resistance with money, fame & success (guided visualisation).



 ✅By the end of this module, you will have established greater nervous system coherence and body-awareness to be able to self-regulate in your relationship to money, business and relationships. You will be learning somatic practise that enables you to develop greater awareness of deeply stored patterns of resistance held in your nervous-system, expand your body's resilience to create your desired reality, and work with your body to create success that is aligned with your unique constitution, avoiding burn-out, and maintaining your wellbeing on the way to creating your dream life.


 Topics that are covered : 

-Building nervous-system resilience (to receive greater abundance, pleasure & ease).

-Somatic practise for nervous-system coherence.

-Your body as an instrument : Harnessing your sexual energy, awakening your vitality.

-The art of receiving (guided stillness meditation).

-Building somatic awareness, opening the body.

-Somatic practise for cultivating grounding, resilience & clarity.

-Loving-kindness meditation for planting seeds of intention.




 ✅By the end of this module, you'll understand the intimate  link between pleasure, your capacity to receive, and how sexual-trauma can created some of our deep blocks to receiving more money, fame, attention and impact. We will be looking at the pleasure-practises you can use to unblock sexual wounds, to change your relationship with receiving so that it feels safe to open yourself to the abundance that is available for you.


Topics that are covered :  

-Meeting yourself.

-Let the body move you.

-Feminine-masculine money polarity.

-The pleasure principal.

-Money, orgasms & sexual-pleasure.

-Sexual trauma, financial-poverty & your relationship with receiving.

-Fear of invasion & healing to receive.

-Sexual trauma & intimate relationships.

-Self-pleasure for enhanced manifestation.

-Inviting money in.

-If money were a person (shadow-work exploration).

-Your wealth-Alter.

-Expanding your nervous system's capacity for pleasure.

-Healing the nervous system for enhanced pleasure. 



 ✅By the end of this module, you will know how to create 'ahead of the curb' by understanding the direction we're moving in as a collective, and what women and the world at large are requiring of you the very most. We're also exploring the feminine-path to building wealth, enhancing your psychic higher-sensory abilities to preserve your feminine-energy & protect yourself from the external projections of others. A powerfully magnetic woman, acts as an illuminator that shines light on the shadow housed within both women and men. As she expands her light-body and her feminine-radiance, she becomes a source of tremendous power to some, and a source of great suffering to others for revealing their own lack and weakness. For this reason, it is fundamental that you learn the art of protecting your feminine-magnetism so you can continue to grow your power, expand your influence, whilst remaining wholly rooted in your confidence, feminine-magnetism, with the clear knowing of who you are and the medicine you came to deliver to the world.


Topics that are covered : 

-Legacy building & prophetic-innovation : 

 -Guarding your light. (Self-protection from psychic-attack.)

-Preserving & protecting your energy.

-Reclaiming your psychic-wisdom.

-Energy audit (Enhancing your aura).

-The feminine path to building wealth.

-Activating your feminine.

-Healing your relationship with your inner-feminine.

-Conscious manifestation.



In the tenth and final module of this programme, we're exploring the gifts, the shadow, the unique spiritual challenges and the life-path of six famous feminine archetypes, along with their relationship-patterns, their deepest fears and greatest soul-desires.
 ✅By the end of this module, you will have a clearer sense of the unique archetypal powers you came here to embody as a woman, along with the common themes you will encounter throughout your life on the way to actualising yourself. 


 Topics that are covered : 

-Embodying your archetype. (Your gifts, your shadow & your soul-path).

-The queen (Her shadow & her gifts)

-The High priestess (Her shadow & her gifts). 

-The Creatrix/Wild-woman (Her shadow & her gifts). 

-The Mystic/Seer (Her shadow & her gifts)

-The Huntress (Her shadow & her gifts.

-The Lover/Mother (Her shadow & her gifts).




Ten modules of written, audio & video material :

👉🏼10 modules leading you through a structured process of deep shadow-work alchemy, subconscious re-programming practises, somatic tools for nervous system regulation and expansion, a wealth of esoteric teachings, accompanied by powerful healing modalities to help you shift your money-identity, build a wealth-identity, become unstoppable in leadership and develop your energetic signature essence.


👉🏼You can work through each module at your own pace, and you will be given the opportunity to ask questions regarding the material which you need support with, during the fortnightly group calls & email support.


Six fortnightly Q&A calls (7pm GMT).

👉🏼During the calls, you will have the opportunity to ask me questions about anything you like regarding the programme, plus anything you require further guidance on/integration with.


For those that pay in full :

Six fortnightly Q&A calls.
Unlimited 1:1 email contact.
Three private 1:1s (For the first woman that applies and pays in full).
 ✅Life-time access to course programme material.
 ✅Access to women's private telegram group.


For those that choose 3-part payment plan.

Six fornightly Q&A calls.
Unlimited 1:1 email contact.
Life-time access to course programme material.
Access to women's private telegram group.


For those that choose self-paced version :    

Lifetime access to ten course-modules.

No Live Q&A calls.
 Email contact for technical support only.
 Access to women's private telegram group.




80% of your success, whether we're talking about tripling your $$$$ cash-flow, manifesting like a pro, creating massive, lasting impact and influence in your realm of expertise, and growing your reach as a woman-leader, comes down to the energetics. In SHE REBELLED (for the new feminine leader), We're looking at the formula behind developing a powerful wealth-identity, which enables you to move from a state of hustle, force and struggle, to attracting money from a place of flow, ease, and unshakeable confidence in your ability to continue magnetising wealth straight to you, through your work and self-expression.  



Develop irresistible feminine magnetism, and activate your unique energetic signature, to effortlessly attract an aligned-audience whom are genuinely excited to pay you $$$$$ in response to your expression. (Confident, alluring feminine leaders aren't born, they are made.) We will be looking at how to develop the auric-frequency, energetic-signature & captivating feminine allure to impact and influence thousands, using the full-bodied power of your feminine energy/allure. 



Manifestation is a vibrational game. But it also involves your energetic and nervous-system capacity to expand, so you can hold more 'energy' (money, magnetism, public-attention) in your reality. I will be introducing you to a very unique perspective on how to consciously harness your innate manifesting abilities to magnetise money and success in your chosen field, whilst becoming increasingly attuned to where you are blocking the flow of your manifestations landing in your external reality, & how to move up the vibrational scale of emotional-alignment so you can maintain the frequency & thought-forms & that will magnetically pull in the people, the wealth the opportunities that you are meant to experience.


95% of your raw, authentic, sexual, magnetic power, exists within your shadow and subconscious. There are three primary fears that hold women back when it comes to making themselves more visible. Over-coming these fears through deep shadow-alchemy is the key to you unleashing your feminine power, and developing the fearless confidence to be seen, received & adored by thousands of women that feel inspired, motivated and powerfully impacted by your work.  



You know how to innovate and market an authentic brand (as a business-woman and creative) with consistent confidence in voicing your ideas and offerings, whilst maintaining your integrity, alignment with your personal brand ethos and remaining true to your self-expression.



Feminine power, is sexual power. You understand the intimate connection between sexuality, attracting and circulating money in your reality, regenerating your energy, alchemising unwanted projections directed at your externally & and how to transform sexual blocks into raw, manifesting power which you can use to intentionally create the experiences you are seeking.



Q&A : 


Who is this programme for?


For Women spiritual-entrepreneurs, creators, coaches, mentors, healers, light-workers and influencers, ready to do the transformative work of reclaiming their feminine autonomy, crafting their wealth-identity & actualising the power of their self-expression & feminine-magnetism, so they can lead and guide other women with confidence, clarity of their life-path & creative expression. This programme is appropriate for both women in the early-stages of building their business, with an established business, or those whom do not have a business but whom are considering creating one in the near-future.


Are there payment plans available? :

Yes! A three-part-payment is available, to be paid over a three month period However, the first woman that paid in full will receive three 1:1 private calls with me throughout the 12 week period that the SHE REBELLED programme prevails. (Please also bear in mind the price of the programme increases by £110 if you choose the 3-part-payment option.)

When can I get started? :

As soon as your full payment goes through. You will then receive the details for the course outline, dates for the six live Q&A fortnightly calls & you will immediately be enrolled into the programme, where you will be able to get access to the course material & engage with me via email for personal support. Please note that if you join the programme half-way through the launch, then you may miss some of the live Q&A calls, but you will still receive the recorded version which will be sent out to your email immediately after the call ends.


What if I can’t attend live calls due to time-zone issues?

Don't worry! All Q&A video calls will be recorded and sent out via the student newsletter for you to listen to whenever you can. 


Can I ask questions during live calls?

Absolutely. The live Q&A calls are available for you to ask all the questions you want & I encourage students to bring their full presence to this programme to get the very most out of it. Asking questions during our live calls will be the best place to get more detailed feedback to help you navigate the course material.

Is this programme trauma-informed?

Yes, this is a Trauma-informed programme which covers common trauma-related issues & trauma-patterns that arise in the realm of money, sexuality, and making yourself increasingly visible to an audience,. However, if you are suffering from severe mental health issues, please consult with your doctor, therapist or psychiatrist before committing to this course.


Can I email you about personal problems during the programme?

The email 1:1 contact is an opportunity for you to become more familiar with the course programme material & email me regarding any queries you might have about the programme, or any support you need with the material.
However, 1:1 email contact does not include free therapy to address your personal issues. If you require support with this, you have the option to book in 1:1 coaching with me after the course concludes.
If you are the first woman that paid in full, you will automatically have access to me to discuss your personal issues during your three private 1:1 coaching calls.
Please bear in mind that I will respond to all emails within a 48 hour period.


Are there refunds available for this programme? :

No, once purchasing, there will be no refunds available.


CHAT WITH ME (it's free!)


Jwaydan is a Feminine-empowerment teacher, Spiritual & Intuitive channeler, and classically trained Pianist, Singer & Multi-dimensional-artist best known for her viral music success, whom specialises in helping women entrepreneurs, creators, healers, and influencers cultivate  feminine-power, magnetism, confidence & the ability to lead and create impact in their specific field of influence.